The Exclusive Nurses – Only Expert Witness Locater Firm

  • Access to thousands of qualified testifying nurses

  • Over 150 nursing specialties

  • Procure the best qualified RN or APRN to support your case

  • Turn-key invoicing, medical record handling and communication with expert

Expert Witness Nurses is THE one-stop resource to locate Nurses and Nurse Practitioners for your medical-legal case. We have nurses from across the USA in a variety of specialties eager to work on your case.

ATTORNEYS: Find a Nurse

Tell us about the type of nurse you need and details about the case.

NURSES: Join Our Network

If you're an experienced nurse, expert witness or consultant, join our database at no cost.


Our Clients have a lot of nice things to say about us.

Our proprietary database of nurses and nurse practitioners continually grows with every search we deliver. Whether previously discovered in a lawsuit or well-established in their specialty of nursing, we know them or can easily find them for you!


The search for your best expert nurse starts with your email or phone call to our search expert to understand your case and your specific expert nurse needs.

Our search expert will ask questions to determine your requirements for education, specialty, location, experience, prior deposition, testimony experience, geographic location and any other needs.

Let us know what you need and we will get back to you with a candidate for you to interview.

Our nurses can:

  • Review files and give you a verbal report
  • Review files and sign an affidavit
  • Review files and write an expert report for testimony

How to submit a request:

Complete a simple form, or call us at (800) 505-9847, and press option 1.

When we start our search, our nurse experts may have more case-specific distinctions. Only those few experts with your precise requirement are considered as candidates to you.