Home Care Nurse

A Home Care Nurse or visiting nurse typically works for a home health care agency and provides care for people in their homes. A home care nurse will see patients in their homes to conduct assessments, take vital signs, give medications, and provide wound care. They may see mothers and infants, vulnerable patients such as the elderly and disabled, or patients who are terminally ill, and they see those recently discharged from the hospital. They provide documentation on their visit to physicians and other members of the healthcare team as needed.

Typically home care nurses can provide reports and testify to the standard of care for a patient receiving treatment and health management in their home.

Home Care Nurse Organizations & Certifications


Our featured Home Care Nurse expert 

Expert 6899 - has been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years and has experience in the role of Director of Nursing/Clinical Supervisor for all operations including case management, directing over 200 patients, and 30 staff. This expert is based in California. For more on this expert click here.


How it Works

Tell us via phone, email, or using the online form below, details on your case. Do you require a nurse with specialty training, experience, or certificates? Case details including conflicts and search parameters help refine the search and provide the best possible match.

We will send you two to three expert CVs for review.  You are welcome to speak to the experts directly before making your final selection.

Once a retainer agreement is signed with Expert Witness Nurses the expert will start working on your case. The expert will collaborate directly with you for medical records and providing their report. Expert Witness Nurses will coordinate invoicing of the expert’s hours, including the retainer invoice and monthly invoicing as required.

Get personalized assistance in locating expert witnesses by calling (800) 505-9847 or fill out the form below to start your search.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Finding the BEST nurse expert witness to support your medical legal case has never been easier.

  • Access to thousands of qualified testifying nurses
  • Over 150 nursing specialties
  • Procure the BEST nurse to support your case
  • Turn-key invoicing, medical record handling and communication with expert services
  • No finders fee