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Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner – Expert 5635

Expert 5635 graduated from the University of San Francisco in 2003 with a Master of Science in nursing; Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist dual role.  She is currently working in a homeless shelter/supportive housing program and also is the owner of a Private Practice/Multidisciplinary Family Health Center, specializing in adolescent mental health and addiction medicine/chemical dependency.  She has experience in clinical psychiatric emergency triage and inpatient psychiatry as well as outpatient mental health clinic.

This expert holds many advanced training certificates, memberships and holds several leadership positions. She regularly delivers professional presentations on mental health and psychopharmacology topics.

She has acted as an expert witness on many cases including federal court and has testified at both deposition and trial.

Our expert is currently living and working in California, but is available nationwide, she is highly experienced and knowledgeable in her area of specialty.

If you would like to use Expert 5635 or any of our nurse specialists for your case, please email or call (800) 505-9847.